EDMONTON – UCP nominations are being taken over by anti-choice activists intent on passing laws to defund abortion services in Alberta, with the latest win last night in Edmonton South by Tunde Obasan, endorsed by anti-choice activists, over three-term city councilor Mike Nickel.
Obasan received his endorsements and support from anti-choice activists after he signed onto the Wilberforce Project’s campaigns[1] and shared posts from Right Now on Facebook.[2] One Twitter user posted correspondence with Right Now’s coordinator showing the organization’s campaigning for Obasan,[3] and Right Now’s coordinator stated, “we won on the first ballot.”[4] He also hosted the group “Parents for Choice in Education” at a forum in the spring.[5]
“Jason Kenney’s long history of opposing abortion rights sends a clear signal to anti-abortion activists. When it comes to rolling back women’s rights in this province, anti-abortion activists know they have a champion in Jason Kenney," said Sarah Hoffman, MLA for Edmonton-Glenora.
Anti-choice activists have made it clear they want to defund legal healthcare services including abortion and family planning medication. The UCP has welcomed them with open arms.
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