"Two years ago, I joined Rachel Notley’s team.
It was one of the best decisions of my career.
It’s true, Alberta was dealt a tough hand with the collapse in oil prices, but Rachel has done an excellent job fighting for our province and fighting for us.
Under Rachel’s formidable leadership, Alberta is a better province: more inclusive, diverse and welcoming. Our kids are learning in good schools, our loved ones have the care they need and our economy is more diversified.
Now, more than ever we need Rachel to finish the job. And I will be doing everything in my power to ensure that happens. But after much consideration and discussion with my family, I’ve decided not to seek re-election.
Let me say, this is not an easy decision. But after many years in public life, it is the right decision for me and my family. I am very honored to have been given the chance to serve. And I am proud of what I have been able to accomplish on behalf of my constituents, particularly over these last two years. I would like to thank those constituents for their unwavering support.
I look forward to helping re-elect Premier Notley, to new challenges ahead and to making what contribution I can to our province."