EDMONTON- Amid questions about his residency while he was a Calgary MP[1], Jason Kenney has insisted that he has been a long-time Alberta resident. However, in 2016, Kenney made a donation to an Ontario political party, something only legally allowed for Ontario residents.
On Saturday, Kenney said: "I have been a proud resident of Alberta for nearly 3 decades. During that time, I have always owned, co-owned, or rented my principal residence in Alberta, first in Edmonton in the early 1990s, then Calgary. I paid my taxes in Alberta. My driver’s license and health card were from Alberta. My doctor and dentist were in Alberta. My Parish and volunteer activities were and are in Calgary. This of course all remains true to this day."[2]
In 2016, Jason Kenney donated $399.00 to the Ontario Progressive Conservatives.[3] To donate to an Ontario political party, you must be a resident of Ontario.[4]
Additionally, in the two decades as a Member of Parliament, there are no online Elections Alberta records showing any donations from Jason Kenney to the Alberta PCs or Wildrose parties.[5]
Either Kenney didn’t tell the truth about his residency status, or he made a fraudulent donation to an Ontario political party. Albertans deserve to know the truth.